
Craighead Wind Farm Community Consultation Invitation

The proposed Craighead Wind Farm is located on land northwest of the hamlet of Carnbo in Kinross-shire, approximately 6km northwest of Kinross and 5km northeast of Dollar.

Proposing to comprise 8 turbines, with a generating capacity of up to 48MW and mix of 180m and 200m tip heights, it is on a site which has excellent wind resource and no environmental designations.

The current proposal is a result of an extensive process of consultation and review that saw the number of turbines fall from the initial proposal of 12 (72MW). Galileo has now taken the decision to progress with an 8-turbine scheme, up to 48MW generating capacity and a mix of tip heights of 180m and 200m.

As a what is classed as major development i.e. one of under 50MW, this will now be determined by Perth and Kinross Council rather than Scottish Ministers. Under planning regulations, this requires the holding of two statutory consultation events prior to the submission of a planning application.

Galileo is committed to working with local communities to responsibly develop renewable energy projects that help deliver Scotland's climate change targets. There will be opportunities to provide your comments at our upcoming consultation events.

Public Consultation Events -

Tuesday 14 November
Carnbo Community Hall
Carnbo KY13 0NS

Wednesday 15 November
Dunning Village Hall
Auchterarder Road
Dunning PH2 0RJ

Exhibition materials, detailing the proposed development, will also be made available on the Craighead Wind Farm website: www.craigheadwindfarm.co.uk in the week of the exhibitions.

A second series of events, to present the updated proposals, will be held on 23rd and 24th January, at the same times and at the same venues as above. It is anticipated that a planning application will be submitted in Spring 2024.

The wind farm will play its part in tackling the overall challenge and support the delivery of the Scottish Government’s legally binding target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

Powering the equivalent of up to around 33,600 homes with clean low-cost electricity, it will save up to around 47,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually. Onshore wind is one of the cheapest sources of new-build electricity generation in the UK, and therefore has a key role to play in addressing of the cost-of-living crisis.

In addition to this there will be a Community Wealth Fund, amounting to up to £240,000 per annum (index-linked). One idea on how part of this could be used, and which has created interest, is a Renewable Electricity Discount Scheme (REDS), with those closest to the wind farm receiving a discount on their electricity bills.

Please note that any comments submitted at this stage do not constitute representations to Perth and Kinross Council. There will be an opportunity to make representations on any resultant planning application to the Council.

For further information, please contact Galileo Senior Project Manager, Jason Morin
craighead@galileoenergy.uk or 0131 202 3259
Galileo, 7-9 N St David St, Edinburgh, EH2 1AW

PAN Application Form

Craighead wind farm November newsletter


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