
Wins for Chambers Members in the 10th Annual Courier Business Awards

Perthshire Chamber members stood amongst the winners that night:

Crieff Hydro are delighted to have won the Family Business Award and Perthshire Family Awards at The Courier Business Awards in Dundee over the weekend. They would not have achieved this without every single member of their team across the Family of Hotels and thank them for all of the hard work they all put in every day.

Wasted Degrees won the coveted Innovation Award. They thank The Courier, Henderson Loggie and Dundee University.

Here's The Plan has thanked The Courier for hosting an incredible event. They also congratulate their own Jake Meakins for his outstanding achievement in winning the Apprentice of the Year category.

Clootie McToot Dumplings have again won the Small Business category at The Courier Business Awards 2023.

The Courier Special Recognition Award was presented to the family of late Perthshire businessman John Bullough, who died earlier this year aged 54.


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