
Platinum Partner UHI Perth ASW wins Best Health and Fitness Business in Perthshire

Over 150 businesses were represented across Perth, Dundee, and Angus at Scotland's Business Awards. The ASW was recognised for creating and developing a strong sense of community to students, staff and community users across the gym, sport and climbing businesses.

It was also commended for supporting students into the workplace, offering work-based learning and student employment. It was also praised for the outstanding partnership work it has developed over the last seven years.

Gareth McKenna, Head of Business Development who collected the award with his ASW colleagues said: “This award is recognition of the work ASW has carried out in the last seven years. We are so thankful to all our loyal customers who have not only supported us throughout this time but took the time to vote for us and sent fabulous testimonials to the Scotland Business Award panel.

"I want to especially recognise the role our staff at ASW have played in receiving this award, they have gone above and beyond since we opened, they have shown resilience, a huge work ethic, innovation and at all times have put our customers and members first in their day-to-day work. They deserve great credit for this award and I extremely proud of them, we simply would not have won this award without their commitment. Many thanks to everyone who voted for us, we are very proud."

ASW will now go to Glasgow to represent Perthshire in the National Finals in Glasgow in October.

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