
Meet the Buyer Tayside 2024, 20 February 2024, 10am to 2pm, Invercarse Hotel, Dundee

Is your business looking for new customers?  

Dundee City Council, in partnership with Perth & Kinross Council, Angus Council,  and the Supplier Development Programme, invites businesses of all sizes to a free in-person Meet the Buyer event on 20 February 2024 at the Invercarse Hotel in Dundee. 

New and existing suppliers, including sole traders, small businesses and social enterprises from in and around Tayside, are invited to this free event to discover upcoming contract opportunities and get support on procurement processes. 

Meet the Buyer Tayside will give businesses of all sizes the opportunity to meet buyers from: 

  • Dundee City Council 
  • Scottish Government 
  • Angus Council 
  • Perth & Kinross Council 
  • NHS Tayside 
  • Universities 
  • Colleges 
  • Tayside Contracts 
  • Supplier Development Programme 
  • Social Security Scotland 
  • and more! 

Suppliers will also be able to with meet larger contractors to learn about current and active subcontract opportunities, and how to join their supply chains.  

There will be speakers and optional short informational workshops delivered throughout the day, demystifying topics such as Scope 3 carbon monitoring, Quick Quotes for smaller contracts and top tips on using the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) website for bidding success. 

Attendance at this event is free, but to secure your place please follow the link below 


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