
Business Energy Scotland: Get Ready for Winter by Insulating Against High Energy Bills

To provide a comfortable environment for staff and customers, heating is essential. In Scotland it is essential for many months and can be costly – for many businesses, heating costs can account for as much as half of energy bills.

So, the last thing businesses want to do is to let the precious heat simply go to waste because walls, roofs and floors are poorly insulated. 

The Scottish Government’s SME Loan Scheme is offering eligible businesses, including charities, interest free loans with cashback grants of up to £20,000 .

Unless the businesses in your network are operating out of modern, well insulated buildings, this free webinar is for them.

Delegates will:

  • Learn how they can check if their current insulation is sufficient.
  • Understand typical insulation costs and savings.
  • Discover the key steps to a successful insulation project - that will maximise savings and comfort even in hard-to-treat buildings.
  • Find out about free support and funding that is currently available.

Who should attend?

Ideal for anyone in your network who influences or has direct responsibility for environmental performance, as well as members of management teams engaged in organisational improvement.


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