
Tayside Biodiversity Festival (June 2024) - please register your events!

Tayside Biodiversity is now gearing up to preparing a Tayside Biodiversity Festival programme of events so would greatly welcome details of any wildlife events you are planning within Tayside between 1st June and 30th June. More information is available here: https://www.taysidebiodiversity.co.uk/tayside_biodiversity_festival/.

Please register the events via https://www.taysidebiodiversity.co.uk/events/community/add/ before 5th May.  The “event website” listed on the form can include your Eventbrite (or similar) link to charge for the event. A new logo and poster template will be circulated in due course to all who register.

Please spread the word by sharing this link with others who may like to run an event within Tayside or add an existing wildlife event to the programme.

We hope you will be able to be part of the Partnership’s 25th anniversary celebrations!

Our latest E-News can be read here -  Tayside Biodiversity E-News 26 – Tayside Biodiversity


Ideas for events include:

  • Wildlife walks, wildlife talks, online webinars
  • Children’s nature events
  • Wildlife storytelling and nature-based book reading (especially in local libraries)
  • Wildlife surveys where the public can get involved
  • Species identification walks or training
  • Bioblitzes throughout June (but especially to coincide with the Midsummer BioBlitz planned for 21st and 22nd June) or with a Garden Wildlife focus on our Garden BioBlitz Sunday (23rd June)
  • Practical volunteering days or one-off field trips/habitat site visits
  • Geodiversity or geology-themed events
  • Poetry readings or nature writing workshops
  • Art exhibitions, wildlife films to inspire, mini book festivals – all featuring nature
  • Biodiversity-themed conferences, seminars, markets, meetings open to new people
  • Litter picks, events re-using or lessening plastic usage
  • Community events especially those featuring pollinators and wildlife gardening
  • Coastal events, upland events, riparian events, woodland events – and more!
  • In fact, what have we forgotten?

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