
Invitation and Request to Take Part in the Quarterly Economic Indicator Q2 2024

We would sincerely appreciate if you would be kind enough to take our quick survey which allows us to represent Perthshire businesses at Scotland-wide level with Government and Local Authority as well as to continuously develop our programme of activities and services at Perthshire Chamber in line with what our businesses need.

By following this link below and taking the survey, we are able to break down and view the input at a Perthshire level and this also feeds into the national Scottish Level which gives us a business case for our network’s lobbying and action.

The Quarterly Economic Indicator Survey provides an opportunity for the Network to highlight the issues facing businesses in Scotland to policymakers in Holyrood and Westminster.

Businesses across Scotland continue to face many challenges and uncertainty and we continue to lobby both the Scottish & UK Governments on the need for clear communication, the necessity of appropriate & responsive business support, as well as a focus on the important issues – with proof from the business community - when making decisions.

Any feedback that you can provide on current trading conditions and your outlook going forward will support our continuing efforts on the above, in our desire to help you protect your business and the jobs you support in our local community.

In order to support that, we need your input. Please take the QEI Q2 survey here in less than five minutes:

 The survey link is: https://bit.ly/SCCQEIQ22024

Importance of the QEI:

  • The Scottish Chambers of Commerce partners with the Fraser of Allander Institute to produce the Quarterly Economic Indicator (QEI). The survey is the longest running data series of its kind in Scotland, which in turn provides a regular and respected insight into the fortunes of key Scottish sectors.
  • The QEI focuses on key industrial areas – Manufacturing, Construction, Finance and Business Services, Tourism and Retail, measuring a number of indicators including business optimism, investment and performance to provide comprehensive understanding of the Scottish business landscape.
  • The QEI plays an essential role in setting the business agenda and informing the most senior levels of government and policy making of the needs of Scottish business, through widespread coverage of the results and its place in supporting SCC’s policy platform.
  • The survey results are also shared with the British Chambers of Commerce, feeding into the UK’s largest business survey, the Quarterly Economic Survey (QES).

Thank you so much for your input if you are able, it is very much appreciated and also very important.

This is open to members and non-member businesses.

Vicki Unite,
Chief Executive,
Perthshire Chamber of Commerce

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