
New Locations for the Career Service in Perth

Changesare being made to the SDS career service in the Perth & Kinross area.

From the 19th Feb the SDS Public Access Centre in Perth will close changing to community delivery across the Perth & Kinross area.

The new Letham Community Hub and the YMCA’s new Y centre on Atholl Street will open in April.

Delivery continues of career information, advice and guidance in a number of community venues across the region including:

  • University of the Highlands and Islands (Crieff Road, Perth)
  • LOGOS Youth Project (High Street, Auchterarder and High Street, Crieff)
  • KYTHE in Kinross
  • SCYD (Gas Brae, Blairgowrie)
  • JobCentre Plus (High Street, Perth)

 Customers can make an appointment to speak to a careers adviser in any of the places listed above.

SDS will still have a presence in South Street one day a week, where they’ll be sharing some space with a partner.

Customers can also speak to an SDS adviser by calling the national helpline on 0800 917 8000 or visit their careers website, My World of Work (www.myworldofwork.co.uk), at any time.

There will be no change to how they deliver services in schools.  

They will continue to work with community planning partners and others to ensure where they deliver services continues to meet customer need now and in the future.

This offers an opportunity to strengthen existing local partnerships to ensure customers across can access careers information, advice and guidance in their local communities. This approach responds to recommendation 5 of the Career Review which explores delivering community-based career services that are accessible and approachable.

The approach will enable SDS to maintain our existing service and continue to expand that in line with customer needs. They will also continue to provide career services in all secondary schools across Perth. All customers can access their online services and national helpline as required.

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