
Craighead Wind Farm - Opportunities for Local Businesses and Suppliers

Renewable energy company Galileo is proposing a wind farm of up to 10 turbines (up to 60MW) near Carnbo in Kinross-shire. It is committed to ensuring, wherever reasonably practicable,  local contractors and employees are used in all aspects of wind farm development.

These include opportunities for construction, fencing, drainage and forestry contractors, as well as local hospitality providers, such as hotels and B&Bs.

Galileo is keen to hear from local businesses who may be able to offer skills and services to Craighead Wind Farm. If you are a local business and would like to know more about opportunities for the local supply chain, please contact us at [craighead@galileoenergy.uk]craighead@galileoenergy.uk

Further information on the development is available on the website at www.craigheadwindfarm.co.uk. This also has details of the proposed renewable electricity discount scheme (REDS), with those closest to the development receiving a discount on their electricity bills (subject to consultation).


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