
Talking Tender with Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) Webinar

Tuesday 30 April 2024, 1400-1530
Partner Event


The purpose of the webinar is to provide a better understanding of the framework agreement to interested parties.

The webinar will consist of:

  • Introduction from SDP and housekeeping
  • Welcome from Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA)
  • Presentation about the N9 Framework
  • SPA bidders’ requirements, how to access the contract notice and the potential SPD requirements
  • Live Q&A

The new provision of district and network heating systems is a major addition to this framework, which supplements the range of HVAC services available.  New features also include the consultancy requirements for PAS legislation, grant funding support and energy policy guidance.  Smaller businesses also have the opportunity of being awarded onto the framework via the reserved lots.

The structure of the framework has been split into individual lots. Multi-disciplinary works/services are contained within multiple lots. 

1.      Workstream 1 - Consultancy: Combines energy policy and strategy development with grant funding support, providing comprehensive assistance to organisations in planning and implementing energy-efficient strategies. 

2.     Workstream 2 - Multi-Disciplinary Works: Multi-technology installations with clarified value bands, accommodating diverse contract sizes and technologies, and includes provisions for Micro and Small contractors. 

3.     Workstream 3 - Building Insulation & Performance (Passive): Various insulation types, including internal, loft, cavity wall, and external insulation, with specific lots tailored to different building sizes and types. 

4.     Workstream 4 - Heating Systems: Encompasses a range of heating solutions, from domestic to commercial systems, and integrates smart controls and energy systems where applicable. 

5.     Workstream 5 - Control and Management Systems:  Building management systems (BMS) and individual metering, catering to the needs in communal heating systems and energy management. 

In addition to this N9 framework, SPA also have a DPS for the following:

  • Servicing & Maintenance of Air Source Heat Pumps 
  • Servicing & Maintenance of Ground Source Heat Pumps 
  • Servicing & Maintenance of Ventilation Systems 
  • Servicing & Maintenance of Solar PV and Related Technologies 
Workstream 1 Consultancy 
  • Lot 1 


  • Lot 2


  • Lot 3

Energy Policy/Strategy & Grant Funding Support  

Management Agent / Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy 

PAS 2035 (Domestic Building Audits & Heat Decarbonisation Plans) 

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