
Craighead Wind Farm – Pre-Application Consultation Events

A big thank you to all those who attended the in-person consultation events we held on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th January in Carnbo and Dunning respectively.

There is still the opportunity to provide feedback on our proposals, with the consultation information, including feedback form, available for people to view on the website at www.craigheadwindfarm.co.uk , with a deadline of Friday 9th February to provide comments.


Scheme summary

Galileo is progressing with an 8-turbine scheme, with a generating capacity of around 48MW, and a mix of tip heights of 180m and 200m.

As a what is classed as major development i.e. one of under 50MW, this will be determined by Perth and Kinross Council. Under planning regulations, this requires the holding of two statutory consultation events prior to the submission of a planning application.

The wind farm will play its part in tackling the overall challenge and support the delivery of the Scottish Government’s legally binding target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

Powering the equivalent of around 33,600 homes with clean low-cost electricity, it will save around 47,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually. Onshore wind is one of the cheapest sources of new-build electricity generation in the UK, and therefore has a key role to play in addressing of the cost-of-living crisis.

In addition to this there will be a Community Wealth Fund, amounting to around £240,000 per annum (index-linked). One idea on how part of this could be used, and which has created interest, is a Renewable Electricity Discount Scheme (REDS), with those closest to the wind farm receiving a discount on their electricity bills.

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