
Consultation on Proposed Relocation of Aberfeldy Post Office

We are proposing to move the above Post Office branch to a new location: Premier, 2 Bank Street, Aberfeldy, PH15 2AA, where it would continue to operate as one of our local style branches.

Why are we proposing this move?

As you may be aware, our postmaster’s operate Post Office branches alongside their private retail business, and it is important that they make the very best use of their resources to ensure future sustainability of both their business and the Post Office service. In this case, the postmaster has identified an opportunity to move this branch into an alternative new location to continue to offer Post Office services to the local community.

The postmaster firmly believes that the move will help to secure continued access to Post Office services locally, as well as supporting the viability of their business. Our priority is to safeguard our services in the locality in the longer term and the relocation of Aberfeldy Post Office would enable us to maintain a Post Office service to our customers in the local community.


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